
We call it "OUR RESPONSIBLITY" rather than social responsibility.

The Group’s founder was aware of the importance and necessity of corporate contribution to the welfare of the community he was operating in. From the very beginning DPG Group continues to operate on the culture of philanthropy as diligently as it upholds the quality of its products

Social commitment has always been the cornerstone of the Group's ethos and it has been at the forefront of eco-conservation, public health, and education in the communities where its companies operate.

DPG Group and Community Relations

DPG Group is contributing towards socio-economic development of the inhabitants with living quarters surrounding the Group's Tea Gardens and Tea manufacturing units. Earlier, in this area there was no industrial activity, poor infrastructure, and very thin population dependent solely on produces of the forest, for survival.

Every day life was a struggle with abundance of wild forest and wasteland and with paddy being the only crop cultivated, that too for consumptions of individual households. There were a few unorganized small tea growers with small plantations, who were facing a lot of problems because of low productivity and absence of an accessible market.

The Group popularized the concept of Bought Leaf Tea Factories, this was responsible for the social-economic development the people belonging to this area.

People found tremendous benefit in converting wastelands for Tea Plantation and area under the Tea Plantation grew many folds. The output of these small plantations was fetching good prices, which lured the others to convert their wastelands for Tea plantation. Moreover, the earlier unemployed youth of the area were directly engaged in the Tea Industry. With the large-scale growth of Tea cultivation and manufacturing Industry in the area, the supporting infrastructure like transportation, banking services, healthcare and educational institutions thrived before.

Apart from the industrialization of this area, DPG Group has also contributed directly towards the social upliftment of the people of this area. The group sets aside funds every year to be used for various socio-cultural developmental activities. It has made significant contribution towards establishing a network of social economic infrastructure of this area.

DPG Group's Jagun High School

In order to promote education in the communities in Jagun, a very small village situated 70 KM away from Tinsukia District HQ towards Assam Changlang Border DPG Group has set up a school. DPG Group's Jagun High School is a 10 + 2 Assamese Medium School, It has student strength of 400 with co-education facilities and lot of extracurricular activities.

Apart from the above, the DPG have been the major contributor towards development of Church, Temple, Cremation grounds, Parks & other Social activities in Tinsukia District.