Company Profile

The journey of the esteemed DPG Group started with a dream. Shri Dwarka Prasad Goyal (DPG) migrated to Assam from Village Hansi (Haryana) in the year 1948 with a dream of making a mark in the country.

Within a few years, in the early 1960s, through his sheer hard work and a resilient spirit, he set up a timber saw mill which later resulted in setting up of a factory to manufacture plywood and veneer. It was then, that the thriving tea business of the region caught his attention. Soon, he started buying small plots of land began planting tea.This was the start of the Group, as we know it today.

The timber business had gathered a majestic wind in it’s sail, but the ban on timber industry of the North East region by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dealt a severe blow. However to a majestic vision, no change is unwelcome. So, the Group decided to focus on tea plantations instead and set up a CTC Black Tea manufacturing unit.

In the year 1994, DPG Group realized the untapped potential of the area and introduced the concept of "Bought Leaf Factories" which was almost unheard of in the district.

The Annual Crop of Green Leaf in the area (Tinsukia—Changlang Border) was only 2 million Kgs per annum (Made Tea around 0.42 million kgs). At that time there was abundant barren land and the community was still developing, economically. This idea gave the people of the region an opportunity to make use of their land for tea plantation under the Group's guidance and support.

This move steadily changed the entire face of the region. The small tea owners, hereby, founded a ready market to sell their products. This led to the community thriving and therefore the tea business.

With a small start in 1994, from a Bought Leaf Factory of 0.5 million kg capacity per annum the group is currently operating 7 units in Tinsukia District, Assam with a total annual capacity of close 10 million kgs (including a million kilograms of orthodox tea and specialty tea respectively).

The Group stands on the twin pillars of grit and experience. It plans to expand further in the future. Scaling new heights, making use of the strength that flows from it’s roots and finding greener pastures.


Group Profile

DPG Group, named after its valiant founder, Shri Dwarika Prasad Goyal, is a family owned business house now in its 3rd generation. The group owns several CTC Factories with state of the art infrastructure and tea estates spread over acres, in Assam.

Collectively, the group is one of the largest producers of CTC Assam Tea in Bought Leaf Segment (BLF) in India with an annual Production capacity close to 10 million kgs . The group has grown consistently through decisive and visionary response to changing times.

The same vision and determination has now spread to the next generation. Building on the same business acumen with which Shri Dwarika Prasad Goyalstarted out, the group is now managed by his sons Mr. Anand Kumar Goyal and Mr. Amit Goyal. The young scion, Mr.Yasharth Goyal promises to add new age methodologies and approaches to the established set of goals in order to make the Group expand further.

Leadership Team

Mr. Anand Kumar Goyal
Mr. Amit Goyal
Mr.Yasharth Goyal